Should You Wear Sunscreen Everyday?

Should You Wear Sunscreen Everyday? Bask Suncare's Take on Daily Sun Protection
Understanding the significance of daily sunscreen application is crucial for optimizing skin health and sun protection. At Bask Suncare, we're ardent advocates of everyday sunscreen usage—independently or integrated into your skincare regimen—to ensure broad spectrum protection against harmful UV rays. BUT, read on to understand that there is some nuance.
Why Daily Sunscreen Is Crucial
The sun's UV rays can impact your skin on both sunny and cloudy days, resulting in sunburn, premature skin aging, and increasing skin cancer risk. Most skin cancer, after all, is caused by cumulative UV damage. That is, it builds up over time, causing cellular damage that builds up over the years. A consistent sunscreen application—regardless of the weather or the season—serves as your first line of defense against these detrimental effects. Applying moisturizing sunscreens with skincare benefits daily like Bask’s Daily Invisible Gel can also act as a refreshing, hydrating spa experience, fostering skin health and a radiant glow.
Understanding Your Goals
If your goal is to prevent premature skin aging and wrinkles from forming, then you should prioritize sunscreen as a preventative tool. It’s become clear over the years that the number one tool in preventing your skin from aging is to wear sunscreen. If you are only concerned about skin cancer prevention, then you may have a bit more flexibility. The key is to understand your context: if you are going to be indoors all day and away from windows, then you should feel fine in not wearing sunscreen that day. If the UV Index, due to rain or other circumstances, is going to be below a 3, then you should also feel fine without it. We encourage you to take a look at two of our posts to help understand how the UV Index and your skin tone play a role in UV protection.
How Long Does Sunscreen Last, and how your skin tone and the UV Index effect that.
Though we strongly advocate for daily sunscreen usage, it also may not be for everyone depending on your goals and the context of a specific day’s activities.
Overcoming the Resistance: Ensuring Comfortable Sunscreen Usage
Sunscreen often carries the stigma of unpleasant feel, presenting an obstacle in its routine application. But if you find a sunscreen that feels pleasant, that will make a huge difference in helping you to wear sunscreen daily without discomfort. At Bask, we're committed to changing this outlook and encourage more people to wear SPF more often. Our sunscreens are formulated to feel smooth and non-greasy, delivering sun protection while pampering your skin. When we started Bask, we surveyed 50,000 people, interviewed 500 and learned that texture was the number one complaint about sunscreens. We then ran through 63 product iterations until 95% of focus group participants said they “loved” how it felt, and 90% picked Bask in a blind feel test vs. the leading sunscreens on the market today. Having an enjoyable feel-good texture is a major factor in encouraging daily sunscreen use.
Sun Protection: Beyond Just Sunscreen
We also advocate other sun-safe practices for comprehensive protection. This includes wearing sun-protective clothing, hats, sunglasses, and seeking shade during peak sunlight hours. Balancing these protective measures with daily sunscreen application can significantly enhance your skin's defense against UV damage.
Daily Sunscreen: A Formidable Force in Tackling Skin Health Concerns
By seamlessly integrating sunscreen into your daily routine, you take a significant stride towards tackling skin health concerns, from skin cancer risks to premature aging. The very essence of Bask Suncare lies in the promotion of regular sunscreen usage—combating a toxic beauty standard (you don’t have to be tan!) and contributing to brighter, healthier, and happier skin every day.
With Bask Suncare, sunscreen becomes more than just a protective layer—it becomes a part of your daily wellness regimen, celebrating skin health and sun safety together.
Wearing Sunscreen Indoors or in Your Car
There are two primary UV Rays that affect our skin health: UVA and UVB. UVB is primarily responsible for skin burning (B for burning) and UVA is primarily responsible for skin aging (A for aging). Most all modern windows prevent UVB from entering your home or car, however, they do not block UVA rays. So if you are spending time indoors near windows, driving in your car (especially for extended periods), or on a flight, you should wear a broad spectrum sunscreen to ensure you aren’t overexposing your skin to UVA. See below for a photo of a long-time truck driver that really demonstrates the impact of UVA damage caused while driving.
Seeing It With Your Own Eyes
There have been a few viral photos that demonstrate the power of daily sunscreen use:
The Twin Study
In the photo below, one twin wore sunscreen regularly over the course of her life, and one did not. The impact of sun damage is very clear between the twin on the left and the twin on the right.
The Truck Driver
The truck driver below spent decades exposed to UVA damage to only one side of his face - the side facing the drivers side window. The difference between the two sides of his face is drastic.
The Woman Who Wore Sunscreen on Her Face But Not Her Neck
The 92 year old woman pictured below wore sunscreen on her face daily for decades, but never applied it to her neck. The difference is very clear, and a great demonstration on a) the importance of daily sunscreen usage to prevent skin again, but also b) the importance of applying sunscreen to your neck, ears, and hands on a daily basis too.
The Farmer
This farmer wore pants but a short sleeve shirt every day. The difference between his arms and legs speaks for itself.
The recommendation from dermatologists and from us at Bask is that you should wear sunscreen daily. However, there are some exceptions where you can feel free to not wear SPF. Generally, it’s a very good habit to adopt that can have incredible long term skin health benefits, both aesthetically and in terms of preventative disease mitigation.
- Tags: Sun Safety