Kory's Story & Favorite Sunscreen

The greatest part of starting this company has been meeting all of the people who have responded to our mission, products, design, and brand. We’ve exchanged countless emails, calls, texts, DMs, met for coffee, you name it.

Turns out that many of you, like us, are survivors or family members of survivors of skin cancer, and have been gracious enough to share your stories and experiences with us. It’s been both heartbreaking and inspiring to hear your stories of struggle and loss, but also of triumph. Today, we’d like to share the story of one of our own, Kory Feltz a.k.a. @Burnt.Freckle:

I was only 27 when I was diagnosed with skin cancer the first time. A golf-ball sized Squamous Cell Carcinoma on my calf. I was an avid tanner growing up. My three older sisters taught me all of the tricks: a stick of butter, Crisco, iodine, using foil, the closer to the sun the better, the right times of the day. I was always the“three burns and then you tan better” kind of girl. Burn I did. Many times. Often blistering.

Soon I would be diagnosed with two more skin cancers. Basal Cell Carcinomas. One on my leg and one on my lip. I wish I could say that this was the wake up call for me. But it wasn’t. I continued to avoid sunscreen.

I didn’t wake up until I was 36. What looked like a large red pimple on my lip wouldn’t pop, and I knew it was more cancer. When the biopsy results came back, I was sent to a plastic surgeon and underwent more than five hours of surgery to have the cancerous region removed.

That included half of my lip and part of my cheek. To close the opening, he had to attach what remained of my upper lip to the ball of my cheek, stretching my mouth and nose to one side of my face.

That was my wakeup call.

Since then, I’ve devoted much of my life to spreading awareness about skin cancer and the importance of wearing sunscreen and getting regular skin checks. My scars are a reminder that I am still fighting the disease. Now, of course, I’m very careful with the sun. I can’t afford not to be. It’s been an adjustment for someone who never wore sunscreen to now have to wear it diligently on a daily basis.

But I’m happy to have finally found one that I love and highly recommend in Bask. Most sunscreens feel greasy, oily, goopy, leave a white cast, or sting. But Bask is different.

From the moment I tried it I was hooked. This happy yellow tube has the smoothest, lightweight, and most elegant application I’ve found. It hardly feels like I’m wearing anything, which has made my day-to-day life that much better. I’ve gotten to know Bask’s founder who lost a family member to skin cancer, and love that they donate 10% of sales proceeds to skin charities. I’d encourage everyone to try Bask, my new go-to sunscreen.

"Skin cancer is a monster. A growing, tissue-devouring, monster that ruins lives. Anyone, any color, any race, with any kind of family history can get it. Cancer does not discriminate. I hope you can learn from my story, and make sure that you’re being safe in the sun. Don’t tan. Get your skin checked, and wear your sunscreen."
- Kory Feltz

Kory Feltz is a skin cancer fighter, and owner of St. Michaels Men’s Apparel and the Instagram account @Burnt.Freckle. Born and raised in Atwater, CA, she now lives in Huntington Beach, CA with her husband and two sons.